
Info:Dictionary wrapper for quick access to deeply nested keys.
Author:Paweł Zadrożny @pawelzny <>
CI Status Documentation Status PyPI Repository Status Release Status Project Status Supported python versions Supported interpreters License


  • Simple wrapper around python dictionary and dict like objects
  • Two wrappers with the same dict are considered equal
  • Access to deeply nested keys with dot notation: dot['deeply.nested.key']
  • Create, read, update and delete nested keys of any length
  • Expose all dictionary methods like .get, .pop, .keys and other


pip install dotty-dict


  • key=value caching to speed up lookups and low down memory consumption

Quick Example

Create new dotty using factory function.

>>> from dotty_dict import dotty
>>> dot = dotty({'plain': {'old': {'python': 'dictionary'}}})
>>> dot['plain.old']
{'python': 'dictionary'}

You can start with empty dotty

>>> from dotty_dict import dotty
>>> dot = dotty()
>>> dot['very.deeply.nested.thing'] = 'spam'
>>> dot
Dotty(dictionary={'very': {'deeply': {'nested': {'thing': 'spam'}}}}, separator='.', esc_char='\\')

>>> dot['very.deeply.spam'] = 'indeed'
>>> dot
Dotty(dictionary={'very': {'deeply': {'nested': {'thing': 'spam'}, 'spam': 'indeed'}}}, separator='.', esc_char='\\')

>>> del dot['very.deeply.nested']
>>> dot
Dotty(dictionary={'very': {'deeply': {'spam': 'indeed'}}}, separator='.', esc_char='\\')

>>> dot.get('very.not_existing.key')

Install for development

Install dev dependencies

`console $ make install `


`console $ make test `

Or full tests with TOX:

`console $ make test-all `