
Dotty dictionary follows dict interfaces and all rules applied to dictionaries. Read more in Python documentation

Dotty can be created by placing a standard dictionary with comma-separated list of key: value pairs within Dotty constructor, for example:

>>> Dotty()
>>> Dotty({'foo': 4098, 'bar': 4127})
{'foo': 4098, 'bar': 4127}
>>> Dotty(foo=4098, bar=4127)
{'foo': 4098, 'bar': 4127}
>>> Dotty([('foo', 4098), ('bar', 4127)])
{'foo': 4098, 'bar': 4127}
>>> Dotty({'': 4098, '': 4127})
{'foo': {'bar': {'baz': 4098, 'fizz': 4127}}}
>>> Dotty([('', 4098), ('', 4127)])
{'foo': {'bar': {'baz': 4098, 'fizz': 4127}}}


To use Dotty in a project:

>>> from dotty_dict import Dotty

>>> dotty = Dotty({'first': {'second': {'deep': 'i am here!'}}})
>>> dotty['first.second.deeper.better.faster.stronger'] = 'ohh!'
>>> dotty
{'first': {'second': {'deep': 'i am here!', 'deeper': {'better': {'faster': {'stronger': 'ohh!'}}}}}}



Return the number of items in the Dotty dictionary d.

d[ ‘key.key.key’ ]

Return the item of d with dot notation key. Returns None if key is not in the map.

>>> from dotty_dict import Dotty

>>> dotty = Dotty({'': 'baz'})
>>> dotty[''] += ' & fizz'
>>> dotty
{'foo': {'bar': 'baz & fizz'}}
>>> dotty['']
'baz & fizz'

d[ ‘key.key.key’ ] = value

Set deeply nested key.key.key to value

>>> from dotty_dict import Dotty
>>> dotty = Dotty()
>>> dotty[''] = 'baz'
>>> dotty
{'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}}

.get( ‘key.key.key’ [, default ])

If deeply nested key is in dictionary return it’s value, but if key doesn’t exist or it’s value is None then return optional default value, default defaults to None.

>>> from dotty_dict import Dotty
>>> dotty = Dotty()
>>> dotty[''] = 'fizz'
>>> value = dotty.get('', 'buzz')
>>> value
>>> value = dotty.get('', 'foo')
>>> value


Removes all items from Dotty dict


Return a shallow copy of the dictionary.